Margate Sport School
Margate Sport School
More or less 3000 students visits us per year for sport tours, training and holiday camps, church and youth camps, etc.
Holiday camps, Student camps, Athletics, etc..
Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Soccer – Matches and cources. Gary Teichman, Mark Andrews and several Springboks assisted with rugby; Rita vd Spuy, Charlotte Schoeman, Isabel Harmse with netball Hockey Academy Madsen, Susan Wessels, Braam v Wyk with hockey
7’s Rugby, Golf, Church camps and any other tours. Famous personalities of karate: Stan Schmidt, Johan Roets, etc. Frans Kruger, Kaai Preller, etc. for athletics
Holiday camps and swimming camps Previous visitors include Rocco Meiring, Dean Price, Natalie du Toit
Private schools are welcome during their holidays. Coaching and competitions can be arranged. Tours are tailor made according to needs of different schools and groups.